A Glorious Weekend at Lost Dutchman State Park

We spent a glorious weekend at Lost Dutchman State Park in Arizona.  The weather was beautiful, the wildflowers were in bloom, and everyone had a blast.  It was actually almost too hot.  We decided this was our last desert camping trip until the fall.  Up to the mountains we go for the rest of the summer!
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Catalina State Park

In preparation for our summer vacation we are trying to take the popup out once a month so that we have it all figured out before we hit the road in it this summer. We are also trying to visit places we have never been so that we can take advantage of all the great places our state has to offer. For this trip we visited Catalina State Park, which is just north of Tucson, Arizona.
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Grand Canyon National Park

We have made several quick trips to the south rim of the Grand Canyon in recent years but have not hiked into the canyon.  We hope to do that in the future.
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24 Hours in Dragoon, AZ

Last month we finally broke down and bought a popup camper.  I have no idea why we waited this long. Read more

Fall Break in Zion National Park

Last year our school district changed up the schedule and we now have a week off in October.  I have come to love this break because it’s a great time to get out of town and explore someplace a little cooler.  It’s still hot in southern Arizona in October and I am so ready for fall by this point.  The desert does not start to cool down until after Halloween.  It’s almost like clockwork. It’s hot on Halloween and November 1st starts the cool down. Read more

Field Trip to Saguaro National Park

One benefit of living close to a national park is that the likelihood of your children taking a field trip to the park is high. Both my kids have visited Saguaro National Park with their classes and I was fortunate to attend as a chaperone both times. School field trips are some of my favorite days each year. Read more

Chiricahua National Monument

If you have been following me for any length of time you may have noticed that we enjoy getting in the car and seeing where the road takes us. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 4 of 4)

To read about the entire road trip see part 12 and 3.

The more we travel the more we realize the importance of being flexible and being willing to stray from the agenda.  If the kids want to spend the afternoon playing at the base of a waterfall it’s OK to let go of the activity we have scheduled for the afternoon.  In order to make our trips enjoyable for the entire family we need to make sure the entire family has a say in what we do. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 3 of 4)

For the complete trip be sure to read parts 12 and 4.

While in the Black Hills we ventured out to three national parks not terribly far from where we were staying. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 2 of 4)

To read about the entire road trip be sure to read Part 13, and 4.

After Great Sand Dunes National Park we headed to the Black Hills for a week of fun.  Keeping with our lunch in parks theme we stopped at Library Park in Ft. Collins, Colorado.  Oh my word…this is a gorgeous town!  Or at least the area around Library Park is.  So much green everywhere and huge trees lining every street.  It reminded me of something out of a movie. Read more