National Public Lands Day – September 27, 2014

I do not need any encouragement to visit the national parks – what I need is more paid time off so that I can travel more.  My national park bucket list is so long and I am constantly adding to it. Read more

Chiricahua National Monument

If you have been following me for any length of time you may have noticed that we enjoy getting in the car and seeing where the road takes us. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 4 of 4)

To read about the entire road trip see part 12 and 3.

The more we travel the more we realize the importance of being flexible and being willing to stray from the agenda.  If the kids want to spend the afternoon playing at the base of a waterfall it’s OK to let go of the activity we have scheduled for the afternoon.  In order to make our trips enjoyable for the entire family we need to make sure the entire family has a say in what we do. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 3 of 4)

For the complete trip be sure to read parts 12 and 4.

While in the Black Hills we ventured out to three national parks not terribly far from where we were staying. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 2 of 4)

To read about the entire road trip be sure to read Part 13, and 4.

After Great Sand Dunes National Park we headed to the Black Hills for a week of fun.  Keeping with our lunch in parks theme we stopped at Library Park in Ft. Collins, Colorado.  Oh my word…this is a gorgeous town!  Or at least the area around Library Park is.  So much green everywhere and huge trees lining every street.  It reminded me of something out of a movie. Read more

Summer Road Trip (Part 1 of 4)

On each of our trips my favorite parts almost always are not the reason why we are on the trip. That was once again the case on our most recent road trip.  Our destination for this trip was South Dakota and the trip centered around Mount Rushmore.  In looking for a place to stay about halfway in between our house and South Dakota I came across Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado and boy am I glad I did!  It was the perfect start to our vacation. Read more

Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument is near Wupatki National Monument just outside of Flagstaff, AZ.  It is estimated that Sunset Crater last erupted sometime between 1080 and 1100. Read more

Wupatki National Monument

Wupatki National Monument is just outside of Flagstaff, Arizona off of US 89.  I have lived in Arizona my entire life and am just now finding out about some of these gems.  Wupatki was established to preserve the Citadel and Wupatki pueblos and back in its day this was a happenin’ place.  We were here on a school trip and not only was I impressed, but the kids all seemed to enjoy the monument. Read more

Saguaro National Park

I have spent the last couple of months studying for a test for work and it has consumed all of my free time.  Now that the test is behind me I am planning to spend more time on me.  If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.  I need to get back into a regular exercise routine and what better time to start than before I fill up my free time again. Read more

Yosemite National Park

*For the beginning of this road trip check out Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

After Sequoia we headed to Yosemite.  Yosemite spans nearly 1,200 square miles but the majority of the visitors stay within the seven square mile area know as Yosemite Valley.  Many of Yosemite’s well know features can be accessed or seen from the valley.   Read more